Pharmaceutical Formulation

Pheniramine Maleate veterinary injection


Pheniramine Maleate  VET INJ. 30 ML

Usage: – It is used to relieve pruritus (itching) associated with various dermatological conditions.

Category: –Pheniramine Maleate injection

Therapeutic category: – Pheniramine Maleate injection

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Manufacturer: – Healthy Life Pharma Pvt Ltd

Exporter: – Healthy Inc

Supplier: – Healthy Life Pharma Pvt Ltd

Healthy Inc

Distributor: – Healthy Life Pharma Pvt Ltd

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Seller: – Healthy Life Pharma Pvt Ltd

Healthy Inc


Pheniramine Maleate veterinary injection

Pheniramine maleate is an antihistamine medication that is used in veterinary medicine to manage allergic reactions in animals. It is often administered via injection for more rapid effects. Here are some common usages of Pheniramine maleate injection in veterinary practice:

Allergic Reactions: Pheniramine maleate can be used to alleviate symptoms of allergic reactions in animals, including itching, swelling, and inflammation caused by insect bites, vaccines, or other allergens.

Anaphylaxis: In severe cases of allergic reactions leading to anaphylaxis, Pheniramine maleate may be used as part of the emergency treatment to counteract the effects of histamine release.

Itching and Dermatitis: It is used to relieve pruritus (itching) associated with various dermatological conditions.

Motion Sickness: In some cases, Pheniramine maleate may be used to prevent or alleviate symptoms of motion sickness in animals.

Adjunctive Therapy: It can be used as part of adjunctive therapy in the treatment of certain allergic conditions alongside other medications

It’s important to note that the usage and dosage of Pheniramine maleate should be determined by a veterinarian based on the specific needs and health conditions of the animal. It is crucial not to self-prescribe or administer medications without professional veterinary guidance. Always consult with a veterinarian before using any medication for your pet.

Pheniramine maleate is an antihistamine that is commonly used in veterinary medicine to treat allergic reactions and other conditions related to histamine release. Here are some potential usages of Pheniramine Maleate injection in veterinary medicine:

Allergic Reactions: Pheniramine maleate can be used to alleviate symptoms of allergic reactions in animals, including itching, swelling, and hives.

Insect Bites or Stings: Animals may experience allergic reactions to insect bites or stings, and pheniramine maleate can help relieve the associated symptoms.

Allergic Dermatitis: This antihistamine may be used to manage allergic dermatitis, a skin condition caused by hypersensitivity to certain allergens.

Anaphylaxis: In emergency situations, pheniramine maleate may be administered to animals experiencing severe allergic reactions or anaphylaxis.

Motion Sickness: It might be used to manage symptoms of motion sickness in animals, particularly during transportation.

Itching and Pruritus: Pheniramine maleate can help alleviate itching and pruritus caused by various skin conditions or allergies.

It’s important to note that the use of any medication in veterinary medicine should be under the guidance and prescription of a licensed veterinarian. Dosages and administration routes may vary depending on the specific needs of the animal, and a professional should assess the situation to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. Always consult with a veterinarian before administering any medication to animals.

Pheniramine maleate is an antihistamine that is sometimes used in veterinary medicine. It is commonly administered to animals to help alleviate allergic reactions and manage symptoms associated with histamine release. Here are some potential usages of Pheniramine Maleate injection in veterinary medicine:

Allergic Reactions: Pheniramine maleate may be used to treat allergic reactions in animals, such as those caused by insect bites, vaccines, or certain medications.

Itching and Dermatitis: It can be used to relieve itching and inflammation associated with allergic skin conditions or dermatitis.

Anaphylaxis: In emergency situations, pheniramine maleate may be used as part of the treatment for anaphylactic reactions, which can occur in response to severe allergies.

Motion Sickness: In some cases, it may be used to alleviate symptoms of motion sickness in animals.

Conjunctivitis: Pheniramine maleate can be used in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the eye.

The usage and dosage of pheniramine maleate in veterinary medicine should be determined by a veterinarian based on the specific needs and condition of the animal. It’s important to follow the veterinarian’s guidance to ensure the safe and effective use of the medication. As with any medication, there can be potential side effects, and its use should be closely monitored by a veterinary professional.

Pheniramine maleate is an antihistamine that is commonly used in veterinary medicine to manage allergic reactions in animals. Here are some potential usages of Pheniramine Maleate injection in veterinary settings:

Allergic Reactions: Pheniramine maleate may be used to treat allergic reactions in animals, including those caused by insect bites, vaccines, or other allergens.

Pruritus (Itching): It can help alleviate itching associated with allergies or skin conditions in pets.

Anaphylaxis: In emergency situations, Pheniramine Maleate may be used as part of the treatment for anaphylactic reactions, which are severe and potentially life-threatening allergic responses.

Motion Sickness: In some cases, it may be used to manage motion sickness in animals.

Adjunct to Anesthesia: It may be used as part of pre-anesthetic protocols to prevent or manage allergic reactions during surgery.

It’s important to note that the use of Pheniramine Maleate or any medication in veterinary medicine should be under the guidance of a veterinarian. The dosage and administration will depend on the specific animal, its condition, and other factors. Always consult with a qualified veterinary professional before administering any medication to animals.

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